NS Bouquets & Arrangements Featured Noble Arrangement 1 — Mixed Preserved and Fresh from CA$122.00 Noble Arrangement 2 — Preserved Only from CA$127.00 Noble Bouquet 1 — Neutral and Zen from CA$100.00 Noble Bouquet 2 — Soft and Pastel from CA$100.00 Noble Bouquet 3 — Bold and Vibrant from CA$100.00 Noble Bouquet 4 — Fresh Foliage Baby Blue (Option; shower bundle) & Heavenly Blue Eucalyptus from CA$50.00 Noble Bouquet 5 — Fresh Foliage Silver Dollar Eucalyptus CA$84.00 Noble Bouquet 6 - Fresh Foliage Mediterranean Olive Branches (also available in preserved) from CA$64.00 Eucalyptus Shower Bundle Subscription CA$40.00 every month for 6 months